
I didn’t mean to be away from this space for so long. All I can say is that I am feeling overwhelmed this month. I know a lot of this is hormonal.

Just like my previous pregnancies, I am getting my nesting urges during my second trimester. It’s crazy intense. In the past month, I’ve gone through packed boxes, done major landscaping involving lots of digging, built another compost bin, planned and started work on our baby girl’s room, gone through clothing and gave away bags and bags, turned Isaiah’s crib into a toddler bed and moved a queen bed and a twin bed by myself. I know I’m being ridiculous. I know I should have waited for Elijah to help with some of this but there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day for that. “It’s got to be done NOW” that’s the summary of my crazy internal self talk.

All of these activities were on top of five birthdays, a trip to Washington DC, houseguests, a birthday party for Isaiah, our wedding anniversary and Easter. All of these things are wonderful and I loved them but I just have this feeling like I can never get enough done. Even as I write this, I’m thinking “I should be writing thank-you notes, moving the furniture to our new bedroom over the garage, or digging up my new perennial flower garden, cleaning the outside of the windows, doing the dishes in the sink…” Yeah, I could go on but do I really need to torture you with this?

Some days I feel like I’m not being a very good mother because I’m not spending a lot of time just sitting and playing with my children. I also think my furious nesting is affecting the boys’ behavior. Maybe when I get like this I should actually schedule in play-time with the boys.

As soon as this nesting business passes, and it will, I promise to fill you in on some of the great things that we have done in the past month.

I was looking for the perfect photo to go with this post and this is the best that I could do. the first photo is the Elmo pinata we made for Isaiah’s 2nd birthday party. The second picture is the after photo, which is kind of a good demonstration to how I’m feeling, LOL.

Elmo pinata after the kids got to him.

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2 Responses to Overwhelmed…

  1. miruspeg says:

    My goodness Jen, I was overwhelmed just reading this post! Being pregnant definitely makes you an overachiever, but at least you are aware of your state of mind.
    Be kind and gentle and patient with yourself dear friend. Accept exactly where you are is where you are supposed to be.
    You are a beautiful soul and I am so excited a little girl will soon be joining your family.
    Take care and lots of love and hugs
    Peggy xxxxx

  2. Always think in terms of the manager who just wants to make a quick decision without a lot of reading. Make his/her job easy!1

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