Feeling Gratitude for a Sweet Soul…My Son Elijah Kai


This morning my son Elijah Kai said something to me that lifted my spirits, had my heart bursting with admiration and pride and my eyes watering with joy. While we were getting ready for the day he said, “when I get big, I’m going to have a job.” I asked him what kind of job. He said, “I’m going to build HUMONGOUS houses.” I said that’s great Kai. Then he said, “For all the homeless people.” I said, “You are a wonderful human being, Kai.” He added, “I’m going to put roofs on them too.”  This is really so typical of him. He is just the sweetest soul and he somehow finds a way to make me laugh. How did I get so lucky to be his mother?

If you’ve been following my blog for a while you might remember when I wrote, How Do You Raise Grateful and Generous Human Beings. It’s kind of funny thinking about that because the more I get to know my son Kai, I realize that my job as his mother is more about recognizing his generous spirit and learning from him, all of which I am eternally grateful.

Yesterday, we were on our nature walk, scouting for red raspberries around the pond by our home. There are very few left and finding them and picking them can be a precarious task, which makes each raspberry precious. Imagine my happiness when I saw Kai give some of his sweet treasures to his little brother Isaiah, who has a hard time picking his own. Kai went back to brave the thorny bushes to get some for his mother too. I love this child so much. He inspires me to be more generous in all aspects of life. Thank you Kai.

How does a child in your life inspire you to be a better person?


Someone else was enjoying the raspberry bushes too!

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2 Responses to Feeling Gratitude for a Sweet Soul…My Son Elijah Kai

  1. miruspeg says:

    Such a beautiful post Jen! What an absolute blessing that Kai chose you for his mother!

    While we are busy teaching children we sometimes forget what they have to teach us. Like you I am so grateful to have a little person in my life to teach me about being in the present and enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

    Joseph is not my son, grandson or any relation. He is my friend’s little 4 year old boy that I have the pleasure of spending a day with every week.
    He is kind, caring and generous. Loves animals, birds, plants and singing.
    He is not perfect and I wouldn’t want him to be. He just brings so much joy into my life and I know I bring joy into his life. Together we are learning how each one can teach one!

    Hugs, love and light always being beamed your way.
    Peggy xxxx
    .-= miruspeg´s last blog ..Fable of the Porcupine =-.

  2. Such beautiful photos and words. I think that Kai chose you as his mother as you really see him.

    Raspberries are just the best.

    My children constantly inspire me to try harder, to be braver and to learn more.
    .-= Chapter Forty´s last blog ..Monsters =-.

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